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TCMS History 1946-Present

A History of TCMS Presidents 1946-Present



John Claude Perry, M.D., 1894 - 1969, general surgeon. World War II was over and Victory bonds were being sold. The medical society was located in the Medical Arts Building, 6th and Boulder. Dr. Perry, a third generation physician, started practicing in Tulsa in 1929 and retired in 1964. He was a cousin of Drs. Hugh and Fred Perry, who operated the then newly opened Perry Clinic located at 222 East 5th Street. His grandfather was a Civil War physician whose saddlebags were handed down to his son and grandson.



Erma Ossip Johnson, M.D., 1908 - 1996, obstetrics and gynecology. Dr. Johnson retired from practice in 1978 at the age of 70. In 1940 he was Commanding Officer of Company G of the 120th Medical Regiment, 45th Division, Oklahoma National Guard. For over 3 years he was a contract surgeon and psychiatrist at the army induction center, Tulsa and for 4 years physician to local draft board number 4, Tulsa County.



Victor K. Allen, M.D., No Birth Date on record, Deceased, colon and rectal surgery. It was during Dr. Allen’s term that plans for the American Red Cross-Tulsa County Medical Society Blood Donor Center was approved by the membership. During that time the TCMS Housing Committee was charged with finding a suitable location for the medical society to have a permanent home. Dr. Allen was chair of a committee to support the construction of the Medical & Dental Arts Building. In 1937, the medical society moved its executive offices to the twelfth floor of the Medical Arts Building.



John Edwin McDonald, M.D., 1903 - 1972, orthopedic surgeon. During World War II Dr. McDonald was an orthopedic consultant to the Army Air Corps, serving from 1942-45, and left the military with the rank of colonel.



Fred E. Woodson, M.D., 1986 - 1970, general practice and anesthesiology. Dr. Woodson was Chief of Staff of Mercy Hospital, Methodist Manor, Doctors’ Hospital and Hillcrest Medical Center. For 25 years he was the University of Tulsa football team physician, rarely missing a game.



Winfred A. Showman, M.D., 1896 - 1994, dermatology. Dr. Showman was a foreign Ambassador for the American Medical Society. He co-authored over 100 publications on skin disease research, wrote 5 dermatology handbooks and presented nearly 30 abstracts. A trust was established in Dr. & Mrs. Showman’s name to provide scholarships for medical students.



Marshall A. Hart, M.D., 1900 - 1964, pathology. Dr. Hart was chief medical examiner for Tulsa and gained a national reputation for his knowledge of legal medicine. Dr. Hart was a rose fancier and grower, because “flowers are a good tonic.”



John George Matt, M.D., 1911 - 1978, family practice and proctology. Dr. Matt helped establish the Red Cross Blood Center in 1949. From 1937-41 he served as chief medical officer of the United States Steamship Lines. A scholarship through the medical society, in his name, was established to aid medical students.



Wilkie D. Hoover, M.D., 1908 - 1968, industrial medicine and surgery. Dr. Hoover served during World War II as a commander in the Naval Medical Corps.



Frank Jesse Nelson, M.D., 1896 - 1985, internal medicine. Dr. Nelson was a founder of the Glass-Nelson Clinic in 1946 and was head of its medical department for many years. He was a Navy veteran of World War I. Dr. Nelson was involved in the nationwide field trials for the Salk anti-polio vaccine.



F.L. Flack, M.D., 1888 - 1963, general surgery. Both of Dr. Flack’s parents, W.F. and Sarah were doctors. Dr. Flack was chief surgeon for Sinclair Oil until he retired from the firm in 1953. He once played professional baseball in the minor leagues, and was physician to the Tulsa Oilers. A medical society scholarship in his name was established to help medical students.



G.R. Russell, M.D., 1899 - 1990, pediatrics. The medical society celebrated its Golden Anniversary under the leadership of Dr. Russell. Dr. Russell was medical director for Morton (later, Morton) Clinic, for low-income patients, from 1933-79. He was also chief of staff at St. John Medical Center in 1962 and a clinical professor of pediatrics at the University of Oklahoma Tulsa Medical College.



Hugh Perry, Sr., M.D., 1902-1965, general surgery. Dr. Perry co-founded and was director of the Perry Clinic at 222 East 5th Street. Dr. Perry, with his brothers, Daniel and James formed the Perry Corporation to build the clinic in 1949. He was Tulsa division surgeon for the Frisco Railroad for many years.



James W. Kelley, M.D., 1915-2009, plastic surgery. Dr. Kelley helped raise funds for a medical library at Hillcrest Medical Center. During his year as president, Saint Francis Hospital at 61st & Yale was under construction and the new medical building at 21st and Lewis opened.



R.W. Wadsworth, M.D., 1900 - 1990, pediatrics. Dr. Wadsworth was a proponent of a wholly-owned building for the medical society. He was also involved in public relations programs to benefit the community.



Wendell L. Smith, M.D., 1907 - 2004, general practice. Dr. Smith began practicing in Tulsa after his discharge from the Navy in 1946. Dr. Smith was one of the founders and first president of Tulsa Medical Education Foundation, the organization which established joint residency training programs in Tulsa, and which was the major step leading to the establishment of the University of Oklahoma Tulsa Medical College.



Worth M. Gross, M.D., 1916 - 2018, orthopedic surgery. Dr. Gross began practicing in Tulsa in 1953. He has written several articles on spinal deformity and surgery for various medical journals and taught courses on scoliosis.



Harlan Thomas, M.D., 1916 - 1992. Dr. Thomas was founder and president of Doctors’ Hospital in Tulsa. During Dr. Thomas’ tenure the polio vaccine was administered to an estimated 300,000 Tulsa residents.



William M. Benzing, Jr., M.D., 1909 - 1995, radiology. During the year that Dr. Benzing was president, the Scholarship Fund was created. At the time it included students of medicine, dentistry, nursing and allied health professionals. Later, the only eligible recipients were M.D. medical students. In 2001, D.O. medical students became eligible. The medical society moved the executive offices to Utica Square in August, 1964. The Medical Arts Building had been home to the medical society from 1937 to 1964.



Maxwell A. Johnson, M.D., 1914 - 1971, urology. In 1962 Dr. Johnson was a participant in “Doctors in Asia”, a program which sent six Tulsa doctors to Miraj, India to teach new medical and surgical techniques to native doctors.



Samuel R. Turner, M.D., 1921 - Deceased, anesthesiology. During Dr. Turner’s term as president, Medicare Law became effective on July 1, 1966. Dr. Turner was strongly opposed to Medicare and made note of it in several of his president’s letters in the official publication of Tulsa County Medical Society, Tulsa Medicine.



Donald L. Brawner, M.D., 1924 - 2005, general surgery. Dr. Brawner was also an opponent of Medicare and third party payor programs. In 1973, Dr. Brawner was the first medical doctor to be elected president of the Metropolitan Tulsa Chamber of Commerce. It was the first time in 70 years that a medical doctor had served as president.



Myra A. Peters, M.D., 1924 - 2008, orthopedic surgery. Dr. Peters was the first female ever accepted into the orthopedic surgery residency program at the Mayo Clinic. At age 30, in 1954, Dr. Peters became Tulsa’s first female orthopedic surgeon. She was the first female president elected to the Tulsa County Medical Society.



Robert D. Grubb, M.D., 1919 - 2007, internal medicine. Dr. Grubb was involved in medical education and encouraged medical students to take advantage of the medical society scholarship program.



Duane E. Brothers, M.D., 1924 - 2010, anesthesiology. Dr. Brothers was involved in the Rub Out Rubella Campaign during his presidency as well as addressing the problem of drug use among the young people of Tulsa.



C.S. Lewis, Jr., M.D., 1920  -2001, internal medicine. Dr. Lewis was involved with the Tulsa Medical Education Foundation, which was formed in 1971. In 1990, Dr. Lewis established University of Oklahoma’s International Studies in Medicine Program, which provided medical students, residents and faculty the opportunity to experience healthcare in other countries.



Robert M. Shepard, Jr., M.D., 1919 - 2021, general surgery. Dr. Shepard was involved in the creation of the OU Medical School in Tulsa. He began practicing in Tulsa following service in the Army Air Corps as a flight surgeon. He was practicing in 1952 when a polio epidemic in Tulsa took the lives of many young people.



Floyd F. Miller, M.D., 1930 - 2011, allergy. Dr. Miller was interested in furthering the medical education opportunities for Oklahomans. During Dr. Miller’s presidency, approximately one-half of all newly licensed physicians were graduates of foreign medical schools.



Roger V. Haglund, M.D., 1928 -_____, urology. Membership of the medical society at this time totaled 525. The University of Oklahoma College of Medicine-Tulsa opened in 1974. Dr. Haglund hoped that the school would help fill the need for more physicians to treat the needs of Oklahoma residents.



E.N. Lubin, M.D., 1918 - 1996, urology. Dr. Lubin began practice in Tulsa in 1947 and became involved in helping out at Moton (later Morton) Health Center on the north side of Tulsa. During that time of medical community segregation, black doctors were unable to admit and treat their patients in Tulsa hospitals. Dr. Lubin had a great deal to do with changing that in Tulsa. Dr. Lubin was a proponent of United Way Programs in Tulsa.



Robert G. Perryman, M.D., 1922 - 2020, general surgery. When Dr. Perryman took office in 1976 there were 602 members in the medical society-he emphasized public relations and established a good relationship with the media. During that time the Tulsa County Medical Society Medical Library was leased to the University of Oklahoma-Tulsa. The move freed up financial resources for personnel expansion of Tulsa County Medical Society.



Frank A Clingan, M.D., 1931 -____, general surgery. The medical society celebrated its 77th anniversary during Dr. Clingan’s presidency. Dr. Clingan proposed diligence in pursuing continuing medical education for physicians. It was during Dr. Clingan’s term that the 911 system was proposed for Tulsa. Also, in 1977 The Bulletin of Tulsa County Medical Society was revamped and renamed Tulsa Medicine, the official publication of Tulsa County Medical Society.



George H. Kamp, M.D., 1934 -____, radiology. During Dr. Kamp’s term as president of the medical society, plans to construct the City of Faith Hospital were begun. It was a controversial issue because many in the medical society thought the city had enough hospitals. Construction on the facility was completed in 1981 and received its first patients on November 2, 1981. Dr. Kamp encouraged members of the society to become involved in the legislative process at all levels to benefit the medical profession and their patients.



Victor L. Robards, Jr., M.D., 1936 - 2016, urological surgery. Dr. Robards was concerned with the intrusion of government into the medical profession. He encouraged participation in the many committees of the medical society. He was also involved in the Annual United Way Program.



David E. Browning, Jr., M.D., 1935 - 2009, internal medicine, nephrology. Dr. Browning was interested in the needs of the patient and in promoting the professionalism of medicine. He also worked to streamline the medical society’s committees to make them a more effective tool for social change.



Michael J. Haugh, M.D., 1936 -_____, neurology. During his term, Dr. Haugh noted that even with the many past problems-a nursing shortage, rising health care costs and increasing government controls-Tulsa has, for its size, an excellent blend of primary care physicians and specialists. His advice for the best way to minimize the problems for doctors was to remember where it all starts-with the patient. Medical society membership in 1981 was just under 800.



Richard A. Liebendorfer, M.D., 1927-2006, internal medicine. Dr. Liebendorfer was concerned, as were many doctors, with healthcare cost containment. He was also enthusiastic about promoting participation in the medical society. The medical society went through an unprecedented growth spurt in 1982, adding 109 new members, bringing the membership total to almost 900.



John R. Alexander, M.D., 1936 - 2004, internal medicine. Dr. Alexander noted the need for indigent care in Tulsa and was active in implementing solutions. He was elected president of Oklahoma State Medical Association in 1989 and was president of the Tulsa County Heart Association as well as the Tulsa Internists Society. He served as president of the Oklahoma State Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision from 2001-02.



Norman L. Dunitz, M.D., 1927 - 2022, orthopedic surgery. During his presidency, Dr. Dunitz was concerned with legislation that passed allowing optometrists to prescribe drugs for treating eye problems—his concern was the legislature had given non-physicians the right to practice medicine. He was involved in the United Way Campaign. In 1986 Dr. Dunitz served as president of Oklahoma State Medical Association.



Rollie E. Rhodes, Jr. M.D., 1931 -_____, otolaryngology. During his presidency, Dr. Rhodes took a visionary approach to the problems that beset organized medicine. His view was that there are no problems, only opportunities. Dr. Rhodes encouraged his fellow physicians to concentrate on responding to the needs of their patients in a caring, and when appropriate, most cost-effective manner, without allowing third party intervention to alter quality medical care.



William C. Stone, M.D., 1935 - 2000, colon and rectal surgery. In 1986, the medical society had a new Executive Director, Paul Patton. Mr. Jack Spears retired after 44 years of dedicated service. Dr. Stone was concerned with medical society unity, affordable and available health care. Medical liability issues were a great concern to Dr. Stone and the medical community—from 1935-55 there was an average of 30 malpractice cases per year. In 1983, the total exceeded 42,000. During Dr. Stone’s presidency the VIP (Voluntary Income Program) Program began to help low income Medicare recipients obtain a physician who would accept Medicare assignment.



Jerry L Puls, M.D., 1933 - 1998, pathology. Dr. Puls served with the First Marine Regiment in the Korean War, 1950-52 and attained the rank of Captain in the United States Naval Reserve in 1982. Dr. Puls practiced in Pryor, Oklahoma until 1971 when he came to Tulsa. He was the Vice Chair of the Department of Pathology at St. John Medical Center from 1971-78, and held numerous clinical and executive staff positions at St. John. He was Chief of the Clinical Pathology Service, Tripler Army Medical Center in Hawaii from 1978-81, when he returned to Tulsa to accept the position of Director of Laboratories at Hillcrest Medical Center in 1987. Dr. Puls’ also became president of the medical society in 1987, when the medical society moved into new offices at 21st and Lewis. He was an advocate of Public Relations to help the public perception of physicians. He believed that physicians as a whole were dedicated to the art of healing and he wanted the patient to know it as well.



William E. Harrison, Jr., M.D, 1933-2019, hand surgery. As president of the medical society, Dr. Harrison was concerned with maintaining ethical and moral standards of care in an increasingly competitive environment. Also of concern was the practice of medicine being taken from the hands of physicians into the hands of bureaucrats and industrialists whose motives might be questionable. During Dr. Harrison’s term, the medical society began a credentialing service to provide standardization of credential collection, which meant that rather than having to go through multiple applications for several organizations, the physician would fill out one application to be sent to the various entities.



Theodore J. Brickner, M.D., 1931-2009, radiation oncology. Dr. Brickner encouraged his fellow members to participate in the free clinics in Tulsa to care for patients in need. He encouraged involvement in the political arena for the good of future physicians and their patients. He was supportive of the medical society’s credentialing service.



Charles K. Harmon, M.D., 1940 -____, general surgery. During Dr. Harmon’s presidency, the medical society changed the format of its monthly publication, Tulsa Medicine, from a magazine to a newsletter-still a platform for information relating to its physician members, cost effectiveness was the reason for the change. Dr. Harmon was aware that the only constant is change and invited the members of the society to participate in the activities of the society and have input into the changes affecting the members and their patients. He wanted to impress the importance of togetherness to the medical profession and charitable service to the community.



G. Lance Miller, M.D., 1939 - 2018, medical oncology. Dr. Miller challenged the members of the medical society to become more politically aware. Dr. Miller believed the medical society should be a catalyst for forging a unified program for providing medical care to the indigent in the community. Members of the medical society served in the Persian Gulf War during Dr. Miller’s presidency and were allowed to continue their active membership without paying dues until they returned to Tulsa.



David L. Harper, M.D., 1945 -____, urological surgery. Dr. Harper was concerned during his presidency with indigent care in Tulsa. He also focused on improving the physicians’ public image by encouraging the members to donate to charities, participate in the community, coach teams, go to civic clubs and meetings.



Douglas C. Hubner, M.D., 1938 -____, pathology. Healthcare Reform was a priority for Dr. Hubner and he asked the membership to come together to help make the necessary changes. He felt the medical society and the community needed to confront the cultural diversity in Tulsa to facilitate improvement in healthcare delivery. Dr. Hubner recognized the many differences of opinion, but felt that “while we may disagree on individual issues, we remain united as physicians on the important common causes that we are to face tomorrow.”



Boyd O. Whitlock, M.D., 1936 - 2016, internal medicine. Dr. Whitlock emphasized the positive aspects of change in the health care system and encouraged the members of TCMS to work together for positive change. Dr. Whitlock felt that although there had been an increase in bureaucratic controls over the years, that doctors still retain a degree of autonomy rarely found in other professions. He served as Oklahoma State Medical Association president from 1999-2000. TCMS membership totaled 1,100.



David J. Confer, M.D., 1944 -_____, urological surgery. It was during Dr. Confer’s presidency that the Murrah Building was bombed in Oklahoma City, April 19, 1995. He praised the strong spirit of volunteerism of the many TCMS members who volunteered to help during that terrible time. Dr. Confer had an interest in lowering the level of teenage violence in the community-he felt that the entire community needed to be involved.



W.F. Phelps, M.D., 1937 -_____, family practice. Unity was the emphasis during Dr. Phelps term as president of TCMS. He emphasized the need of physician members to be involved in the political process, the Oklahoma State Medical Association and the American Medical Association. Dr. Phelps was in favor of adding the HIV screen to the premarital requirement of those anticipating marriage, in order to help prevent the tragedies that HIV and AIDS caused.



Michael B. Clendenin, M.D., 1948-____, hand surgery. The issue of managed care was a topic of much concern during Dr. Clendenin’s presidency. He felt that physicians as individuals could treat each patient with dignity and respect. He thought that managed care had a positive effect in curbing overtreatment, which can cause harm to patients. In addition, he felt that patients should have access to proper treatment when called for.



William A. Geffen, M.D., 1945-____, pediatrics. Dr. Geffen urged his fellow members to participate politically with time and money. He applauded the efforts of the medical society in helping to bring together the membership for political goals. Dr. Geffen in his inaugural address praised the physician mentors to medical students and noted that they earned respect by the lives they touched, their skill, their insight into the art and science of medicine and the unselfish way they gave time to meet the needs of others.



C. Wallace Hooser, M.D., 1945 - 2021, diagnostic radiology. For the first time in TCMS History, membership in the medical society was opened to osteopathic physicians. Dr. Hooser felt that even with the advances in medical technology and the frustrations of managed care, the uninsured and the scourge of AIDS, that the best interest of the patient should prevail over everything else. TCMS membership totaled 1,278. As Director of his family’s non-profit foundation, Dr. Hooser made possible 2 to 1 matching funds for donations to the TCMS Community Development Fund. From this fund, the medical society building would be built.



Barbara A. Hastings, M.D., 1940 -____, neurology. Dr. Hastings was the second female physician to serve as president of the medical society. Dr. Hastings goals at the outset of her tenure were to de-unify membership, in order that a member could choose, rather than be required to join TCMS, OSMA and AMA. Secondly, she promised to provide the most current information on the “fraud and abuse” fiasco by Medicare and third, to form a regional Northeast Oklahoma medical society. Dr. Hastings felt as Marie Curie did that “Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.”



Lynn E, Frame, M.D., 1950 -____, obstetrics and gynecology. The campaign for building funds was well under way when Dr. Frame took office through the Community Development Fund. He thanked all involved, especially the M.R. and Evelyn Hudson Foundation for matching funds and the retired physicians who were most generous in their contributions. Dr. Frame was a Doctor of the Day at the State Capitol—he encouraged each member to establish a personal relationship with his/her senator and representative. It was during his presidency that the tragedy of September 11, 2001 occurred, when two airliners-commandeered by terrorists-hit and destroyed the twin towers in New York City.



Robert M. Mahaffey, M.D., 1951 -_____, family practice. Dr. Mahaffey requested the help of medical society members to work together to meet with their legislators and lawmakers about health care issues. The Doctor of the Day at the State Legislature occurs each year to give physicians an opportunity to talk one on one with their legislators. Also a priority for Dr. Mahaffey was the completion of the home of the medical society. The medical society moved into its newly completed building at 5315 South Lewis, September 28, 2002 and on November 20, 2002 a dedication ceremony was held. Adorning the front of the building is an eight-foot cast aluminum Aesculapius, donated after the demolition of the Utica Square Medical Center where it had hung from 1954 to April, 2002.



David M. Nierenberg, M.D., 1957-____, internal medicine. Medical liability reform was a concern for Dr. Nierenberg as he began his term as president of the medical society-a 30% increase in physician liability insurance was alarming. Dr. Nierenberg congratulated the TCMS membership on the progress made with respect to medical liability reform, including the lifting of a 5-year moratorium on legislative efforts in that area. Tulsa has progressed from the small frontier town of 1907 to a city of over 400,000. TCMS membership during Dr. Nierenberg’s term as president, 1,300.



E. Bradley Garber, M.D., 1950 -___, plastic and reconstructive surgery. Positive thinking applied to a number of issues was the focal point for Dr. Garber’s term as president. Civic responsibility, involvement in political action and a strong commitment to ethics and patient care were areas of interest for this president. His term could be summed up in a quote from his president’s letter in the November, 2004 issue of Tulsa Medicine. “Example is not the main thing influencing others. It is the only thing.”-Albert Schweitzer.



Penni A. Barrett, M.D., 1952 -

Radiology. Dr. Barrett was the third female president of TCMS. Dr. Barrett encouraged political interaction with legislators to address concerns, including Medicaid payment inequities and decreasing reimbursements to physicians. As a result, numerous legislators met at the medical society with physicians to discuss issues affecting patients and physicians. Dr. Barrett felt that without medical community involvement, healthcare solutions would become political, not medical.



Daron G. Street, M.D., 1962 -

Gynecologic oncology. Dr. Street was a strong advocate for banning smoking on Tulsa hospital grounds and satellite campuses. At a news conference to announce that Tulsa hospital campuses would be smoke-free, effective November 16, 2006, Dr. Street said “Smoking is a health epidemic like the world has never seen”. He noted that during the preceding Memorial Day weekend, 14 people died in drowning and automobile accidents, but 58 people died of smoking-related illnesses. He was very involved in all aspects of patient care relating to his busy gynecologic oncology practice.



George B. Caldwell, M.D., M.P.H., 1947-2019, Preventive Medicine-Emergency Medicine. Dr. Caldwell was president during the medical society’s centennial year. He was interested in legislation, tort reform, scope of practice and other issues affecting physicians and their patients. 2007 marked the year the medical society became de-unified. American Medical Association membership became an option, not a requirement of membership. For the first time in fifty years the mandate for AMA membership was lifted. Dr. Caldwell presided over the official naming and dedication of the medical society offices as the C. Wallace Hooser, M.D. Building. Dr. Caldwell urged his fellow physicians to “Recognize achievements and honor traditions that make medicine a noble profession.”



Steven B. Katsis, M.D., 1966 -

General Surgery, Critical Care. Dr. Katsis year as president began with the mortgage on the building having been retired and the focus of the TCMS Community Development Fund going primarily to needs of the underserved in Tulsa. For the president’s inaugural and recognition of doctors who retired in 2007, Dr. Katsis father, actor Tom Katsis, appeared in character as Abraham Lincoln for the meeting at the Hilton Hotel. Dr. Katsis recognized the importance of the doctors being involved in communicating with legislators on issues affecting healthcare. He encouraged support of the TCMS Scholarship Fund and emphasized the importance of the scholarships for encouraging quality doctors to remain in the Tulsa area. He was instrumental in developing a program to acquaint area physicians with the benefits of Tulsa County Medical Society membership through visits to the various hospitals in Tulsa.



Marc S. Milsten, M.D., 1962 -

Urological Surgery. Dr. Milsten encouraged the medical society membership to “Go Green” and to recycle for the good of the environment. More electronic communication was initiated to send the newsletter and meeting notices to members. Dr. Milsten was very involved in legislative matters and emphasized the importance of the membership taking a leadership role. He had praise for the hard work of the various TCMS Committees that volunteer their time. He admired the work of the members who volunteer in free clinics across the city and the Golden Oldies committee, who is instrumental in the area medication recycling program.



David W. Harris, M.D., 1954 -

Endocrinology-Diabetes & Metabolism. Dr. Harris emphasized the work of the TCMS Foundation and supported the launch of the Tulsa Medical Charitable Services through the foundation. The program sought to address the need for specialty care for the uninsured in Tulsa through the volunteer efforts of TCMS physicians. He urged his colleagues to be engaged in legislative advocacy. The Health Care Reform Bill was passed by the US House of Representatives and signed into law by President Obama during Dr Harris tenure, noting that numerous problems still need to be addressed on a national and state level. Dr. Harris indicated his support of the TCMS Scholarship Committee and their continuing support of medical students with scholarships for Tulsa area resident medical students.



Jeffrey L. Galles, D.O., 1961-

During his presidency, Dr. Galles encouraged the recruitment of new members to the society for the good of the medical community. He felt that the participation of the physicians was key in helping alleviate the myriad of health problems so common in Oklahoma like smoking and obesity. He emphasized the value that physician practices add to a community in the number of jobs and tax revenues they generate. Governor Mary Fallin was the guest speaker at Dr Galles inaugural and categorized the state of current health statistics as “unacceptable”. Dr. Galles shared her views and was glad to hear that she supported physicians with legislative tort reform.



Todd A. Brockman, M.D., 1956 -

Dr. Brockman emphasized the importance of patient care. He indicated in one of his president’s letters that the mission of physicians is taking care of patients and the joy that being a physician should bring. He expressed his gratitude to the volunteers for Project TCMS, a volunteer physician program to provide specialty care to the underserved population in Tulsa who could not afford medical care. The importance of membership in the medical society was also of interest to Dr. Brockman and he encouraged his colleagues to become a part of the medical society.



Eric L. Cottrill, M.D., 1949 -

Dr. Cottrill’s term as president was notable for involving the membership in legislative activities and various programs the medical society had implemented. He emphasized that the medical society was the member’s organization. He believes that “Ours is the profession that I believe to the most ethical, humanistic and service oriented”.



John E. Hubner, M.D., 1966 -

Dr John Hubner’s focus for 2014 was that the dialogue between physicians should always be about “the patient in front of us”. He believed the role of the medical society should be as advocate for both physician and patient. In keeping with that philosophy, he put forth the following points he considered to be of primary importance: 1. Support quality healthcare in the Tulsa community. 2. Be a leader in healthcare reform. 3. Sustain a continuing dialogue between membership and the community in which we live and serve. Dr. Hubner carried on the service to the medical society his father, Dr. Douglas Hubner, began when he served as president of the medical society in 1993.



Lynn A. Wiens, M.D., 1961 -

Dr. Lynn Wiens moved from Kansas to Tulsa in 2009 and began his practice in Allergy & Immunology.  He is associated with Warren Clinic. Dr. Wiens received his medical degree from the University of Kansas School of Medicine. He completed residency training at the Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City in Pediatrics and Allergy & Immunology and he is Board Certified in both specialties.



Peter P. Aran, M.D., 1951 -

Dr. Peter Aran is Medical Director of Population Health Management at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oklahoma. Dr. Aran received his medical degree from the University of Iowa School of Medicine. He completed an Internal Medicine residency program at University of Iowa Hospitals, followed by fellowship programs in gastroenterology and liver disease at the University of Chicago where he stayed on as a faculty member until coming to Tulsa in 1990 when he began his gastroenterology practice. He served in a number of leadership positions with the Saint Francis Health System as both a physician executive and a board member. At the national level he has served on the Section on Medical Schools/Academic Physician Section and the Organized Medical Staff Section where he has chaired the reference committee and served on various education committees.



Michael A. Weisz, M.D., 1953 -

Dr. Michael Weisz currently serves as Chair of the Department of Internal Medicine at the OU School of Community Medicine, as well as the Director of the OU-Tulsa Medical Simulation Center, and is a Professor of Medicine. Dr. Weisz received his medical degree from the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine in 1988. After completing his internship and residency training at the University of Oklahoma Tulsa Campus, he joined the OU faculty. His passion is working with medical students.



Jenny L. Boyer, M.D., 1949 -

Dr. Jenny L. Boyer is a Psychiatrist employed with the Veterans Administration. She was the fourth female president of TCMS. She graduated from OU Medical School and completed a residency in Psychiatry at Griffin Memorial Hospital. Dr. Boyer served as Speaker of the Assembly of the American Psychiatric Association and is currently on the Board of Trustees of the APA. She served on Oklahoma State Board of Medical Examiners for 7 years and has represented Oklahoma at the American Medical Association as an Alternate Delegate.

She has served in many leadership roles over three decades of behavioral health experience. She is a team builder and a champion for diversity. She also has a great interest in medical students and residents. Dr. Boyer is married to Dr. Harold Ginzburg who is a Forensic Psychiatrist at Tinker Air Force Base. She has 2 daughters and 2 grandchildren.



David J. Siegler, M.D., 1961 -

Dr. Siegler received his medical degree from the University of Texas Southwestern in 1991. He completed a residency training program in Pediatrics at Stanford University School of Medicine and subsequently a pediatric neurology training program at Stanford Medical Center. Upon completion of his training Dr. Siegler began his pediatric neurology practice in Tulsa at Children’s Medical Center. In 2004 he opened Child Neurology of Tulsa, an independent private practice. In addition to his practice and leadership activities, Dr. Siegler teaches pediatric neurology to OSU and OU-Tulsa pediatric residents.



Karen P. Gold, M.D., MSCI., 1964  –

Dr. Gold is an Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the OU-TU School of Community Medicine. Dr. Gold was the fifth female president of TCMS. She graduated from the University of Oklahoma Medical School in 1994. Dr. Gold completed her Residency training in Obstetrics & Gynecology at OU, HSC in Oklahoma City in 1998. Following Residency training, she was an Active Duty Physician in the United States Air Force until 2003 when she established a private practice in Oklahoma City. After relocating to Nashville, she completed a Fellowship in Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery (FPMRS) and a Master of Science in Clinical Investigation (MSCI) at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Dr. Gold moved to Tulsa in 2012 to accept a position with OU-TU School of Community Medicine, where she was the Residency Program Director for 2 years before accepting the position as Chair. She also serves as the Vice-President and Medical Director for the Maternal Hope Health Fund, an organization dedicated to improving the delivery of maternal healthcare in Africa. In coordination with this organization, she is a member of the faculty for the FPMRS Fellowship in Ethiopia at the Hamlin Fistula Centers and Mekelle University and spends time each year in Ethiopia teaching surgery. When not practicing medicine or teaching medical students and residents, Dr. Gold enjoys spending time with her children and grandchildren, knitting and riding horses. She is married to Dr. Michael Gold who is a GYN Oncologist with the Oklahoma Cancer Specialists and Research Institute.



Diane M. Heaton, M.D., 1963 –

Dr. Heaton has a wealth of knowledge in radiosurgery and treatment with the CyberKnife. Dr. Heaton was the sixth female president of TCMS. She was the first physician to perform radiosurgery in the state of Oklahoma and has 15 years of experience with this technology. After graduating from the University of Illinois Medical School, Dr. Heaton completed her residency at Rush Presbyterian St. Luke’s Hospital in Chicago, Illinois, and then became Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology in Memphis, Tennessee, at the University of Tennessee College of Medicine and Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital. Since 1994, she has been practicing medicine in Tulsa. Dr. Heaton is a member of the American Society of Radiation Oncology, OSMA, AMA, and ACR and has received many awards in recognition of her clinical excellence. She has special experience and interest in hyperthermia, brachytherapy, and radiosurgery.



Brian W. Macha, M.D., 1977 -

Dr. Brian W. Macha is an anesthesiologist in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He received his medical degree from University of Oklahoma College of Medicine and has been in practice between 11-20 years.



Sharon C. Smallwood, M.D., 1966 -

Dr. Sharon Smallwood is seventh female president and first African American president of Tulsa County Medical Society



Stephen D. Bruns, M.D., FACS, 1970 -

Dr. Stephen Bruns is a general surgeon in Tulsa, Oklahoma and is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, including Tulsa Spine and Specialty Hospital and Ascension St. John Medical Center. He received his medical degree from University of Oklahoma College of Medicine and has been in practice for more than 20 years. Dr. Stephen D. Bruns has expertise in treating surgical removal of colon, among other conditions. He graduated from UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA / HEALTH SCIENCES CENTER in 1997.


© 2025 by Tulsa County Medical Society & TCMS Foundation

5315 S Lewis Ave, Tulsa, OK 74105

Tel: 918.743.6184

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